passport at airport

Help, I Forgot My Passport! What Can I Do?

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It might have happened to you before, it might happen in the future, or it’s happening to you right now. You packed your suitcases and head to the airport for your long-awaited vacation. But right when you arrive you realize you forgot your passport at home on the kitchen table… Now what?

In this post I’ll tell you exactly what to do and what not to do and why.

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Not having your passport when you’re already at the airport is probably one of every traveler’s worst nightmares. Airport stress is already real enough, you don’t need all that extra stress. In some cases you can get an emergency passport.

Unfortunately there is no guarantee you will fly. Getting an emergency passport come with plenty of rules. Prepare for the worst (not flying/rescheduling), but let’s not take a first no for an answer!


What is an emergency passport?

In the case you’re still in your home country, you can ask for an emergency passport. This is an temporary, official proof of identification. It’s only valid for the duration of your trip.

Check how long your emergency passport can be valid. If you’re traveling for more than the limited validity, forget it, or fly back sooner. In some countries it’s maxed at days, some at months. Most emergency passports aren’t valid for long, because the travel possibilities are so numerous in this day and age. This rule only won’t apply in very special circumstances.

If you forgot or lost your passport in your destination country and you’re flying home, you can get a laissez-passer. This is also a temporary, official proof of identification. You can only get a laissez-passer when there is no possibility of getting an emergency passport in time.

The biggest difference between an emergency passport and a laissez-passer is that an emergency passport is valid for all countries and a laissez-passer only for your destination and all countries you pass to get there.

Now you know what the thing is you’re after, let’s start with what not to do.

What not to do

First and foremost, don’t panic. Try to stay as calm as possible. Panic will only take valuable time and lower the chances of you making your flight.

The last thing you want is to miss your flight, obviously. So you can’t use anything that would take plenty of time. It might sound a little counter intuitive, but don’t go to the police. You will have to file a police report, which sometimes takes hours.

Another thing you shouldn’t do, is actually tell them you’re sure your passport is at home. They will most likely make you go home to get it. Depending on how far away you’re living, that usually means you’ll miss your flight.

The next one is quite obvious, but is correlated to the staying calm one I just mentioned. Be polite to the airport staff and anyone who is trying to help you. They are simply doing their jobs and following regulations. Being rude or arguing will only lower your chances of getting an emergency passport.

Lastly, under no circumstances try to travel without proper identification. It’s against the law and your problems could only get worse. It’s entirely possible you could be denied entry to the country you’re trying to visit.

What to do instead

Obviously, getting an emergency passport will take more time than just not forgetting your passport, so it’s key you stay calm and move quickly. Every minute counts!

In the case of flying to a country where you don’t need a passport

Now you have two options. The first one is your national ID card. If you don’t have one, or didn’t bring it either, you should do the following.

Find an airline representative and explain your situation.

As discussed before, don’t say your passport is at home. Say you misplaced it and can’t find it anywhere now. This is the only thing you can lie about. Be honest when giving any other information!

Have other documents/ proof of identification ready. See if you have your drivers license, a national ID-card or any other documents with your name and address on them. That will usually do. If you’re traveling with family, you could have them prove their identity and have them show pictures of you together, so they can verify you’re part of the family.

Show proof your trip cannot be delayed. For example, you can show booked flight tickets or hotel reservations.

The airline representative will confirm your identity and send you to the TSA-agents to have them question you. You will once again have to prove your identity.

After this you can board your flight.

embassy of the U.S.A.

When traveling to a country where you will need a passport

In this case you only have one option. That option is to contact your embassy. Again, explain your situation and show proof of identification and proof your trip cannot be delayed.

To apply for an emergency passport you will have to provide an acceptable color passport photo. If you don’t carry a stack of passport pictures with you everywhere (who does?), don’t worry. There are plenty of apps that let you take passport pictures, such as this one for Android, or this one for Apple.

If you’re lucky, the embassy will help you and get you an emergency passport.

As you can probably tell, this is a very stressful and complicated process. The best thing is obviously to not forget your passport. Always double check your important documents before you leave and store them in a safe place. And it’s another reason to make sure you’re at the airport in time!

I hope this post gave you enough help and you have made your flight. If not, it’s not the most fun, but a very good lesson. I bet you won’t ever forget your passport again!

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1 thought on “Help, I Forgot My Passport! What Can I Do?”

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